
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dream Job

Right now, all I can do is dream about the job I so long for.

I know that whenever I see people, business owners, artist, leaders, musicians and even content creators, I want to reach out to them and offer them my services [even though I don’t really know what my services are just quite] I see people who are doing something great and it motivates me to want to be a part of something that’s going somewhere. I look for the people that know what they want to in life and want to help them get there.

I want a job that challenges and allows me to help others in difficult situations. I want to make people’s lives easier and want to help them reach their goals quicker. I want to be my boss’s “to-go” person whenever they need something to be done or need some type of object when it’s nearly impossible for it to be found or done. I wouldn’t mind working for someone who is all up for influencing a generation to go after their dreams. I’m all about influencing and setting a good example. As far as this job goes, I want to be able to give opportunities to people as well.  I just want a job that benefits others as well as me.

I have a passion for the arts- Music, Photography, Acting, etc. I know whatever job I have will revolve around those types of things. Social Networking, Media, Pop Culture, there’s no doubt that these things will be a part of what I do.  I can only dream.

One of these days I’ll stop dreaming about the job I want and will be working it instead. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A New Surrounding

I need to surround myself with people who challenge me, not just the people who support and cheer me on. I need people to push me towards my goals. People who will lift me higher. I need someone who is committed to helping me see opportunities. Not someone who holds me back or kills my dreams or even holds back encouragement.

The number one hinderance or accelerator of our personal growth is our associations, that being anyone who is emotionally or mentally connected to us. I know that the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am. So that is what I must do. Surround myself with greatness. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Places to Visit

I have a goal and that is to visit at least 3 of these cities/states/countries within this year. Friends, if u are going to any of these places, let me know, I'll go with :). Help make this goal happen for me!

New York City
Grand Canyon
New Zealand 

Feel free to add some other places that you think I should visit. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011



This famous four letter word has been in our world since the beginning of time. In my short life, I've spoken the word, experienced the word, and watched the word expand more times than I could ever put down on paper. 

Love from a friend, is truly rare. Love from a mother, is highly honored. Love from a brother, is sweetly special. 

But to be in love, is a category all it's own. For it is not words spoken, and it is not shown in good deeds, but it is awakened deeply inside of us. 

I've watched those closest in my life experience that delight. I can see it on her face when she looks into his eyes. I've watched it in his body language as he draws near to her. I have been blessed with the awarness of this deeply rooted emotion consistantly. And then I thought "When will it be my turn?" I've battled with my heart day after day, trying to figure out when and who and how. I arrived at the knowledge of realizing God will bring someone in His time, but I was never satisfied with that conclusion. I wanted it to be my turn now. I was lost wandering, waiting for God to drop something into my lap.

And then it hit me, knocking me to my knees, no air left in my lungs. 
"God delights in his marriage with you." 
I was embraced with the truth that I can experience this type of love for myself, and it's been with me my whole life. 

I would never have been the one to admit to it, but I myself had placed God in a box. He was glorious and active and loved me, of course. But His heart, it flutters at the thought of me. And His mind, it is consumed with my beauty. He is patient and He waits for any single moment He gets to spend with me.

He adores me.

I can live in romance with God. A divine romance that overtakes my every being. One where I, too, jump at the sound of His name. Where my thoughts are consumed with His presence. When every moment of my day, I excite at the thought of spending time with Him. When all I want to do is just be with Him.

It's true love. It's better. It's beyond what I even know, and it's depths reach higher, and wider, and deeper than my heart can feel.

I am not alone in this world. I see those around me with their hands held in someone elses, and I, too, have something to hold on to. Just the sound of His name can fill my heart with gladness. And I rejoice at the thought of living in this romance with my God until He finds it time to send someone on earth to be with me. 

For the first time, I am truly content. I am captivated. I am... no will be... living in intimate devotion with my true love. I will find real joy in being with just Him. I am at freedom to live my life as His own, knowing & believing He will bring someone to me in His time.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


2010 was a year of new beginnings for me. I left all that I knew to start a life somewhere different and unfamiliar. A path of becoming what I knew I was being led to for the last bit of 2009. It was a scary thing. I moved out, 3 states away from home, to live in California. I started an Internship there and made a promise to myself that I would finish a full year. Not being certain why I was led to do this, I made this promise and I kept it. I took it on with full force, taking on greater responsibilities and new opportunities. I was challenged, not only within the internship but outside of it as well. Growing in my faith, Learning who I was and am, and discovering new passions and talents. I met new people who I now call friends that helped change who I was. I was stretched. I started to dream again, envisioning my future. Inspiration was coming to me. Life started to become more exciting. Doing this internship changed who I was. Coming out here was simply the first step to help lead and prepare me for the things that will come my way this year... 

2011 will be a year of great opportunities for me. Taking what I learned in 2010, I will make 2011 my year. This will be a year of action. I will be doing a lot of new things. Pursuing my dreams and my passions. Being able to express myself freely. Traveling more perhaps. I know this year has a lot of things in store for me. I can just feel it. I will be challenging myself in many areas. One thing I will be challenging myself to do is, becoming more active in YouTube, making videos on a regular basis. Maybe 3 videos a month. Also, writing more. Posting a blog entry twice a month on Blogspot. I'm taking this new year and making it mine. So many plans, dreams and things are gonna come to pass. The world better prepare itself. 2011 will be amazing. Nothing will stop me from doing the things I want to do. This is my Year!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


God has blessed me so much. It's incredible. I don't deserve any of his blessings, yet he still decides to pour them onto me.

He's blessed me with a great family, amazing friends, finances, and much more.
He's put specific people in my life to help me grow.

I'm just in awe of how blessed I am.

Deuteronomy 28:6

I'm blessed 

Sunday, May 16, 2010


At my dad’s house, we have this metal tin bowl receptacle thing where we keep all those things that don’t seem to go anywhere else. Do you have one of these places in your house? It’s maybe a shelf or a drawer, it’s that place where you put all, all those possessions that have no home, and it’s just where it ends up at. And so, at any one time, you know, its got like a shoelace and its got a key to you have no idea what and you know, maybe some rubber cement and a stick of dynamite or something.. I mean I don’t know.

So anyways, a few days ago, my family and I were cleaning the kitchen, we’re picking things up and I noticed this little square card that went missing from my bag, in the metal bowl. And I’m struck with the fact that I’ve no idea on how it got there from my bag. So I turn to my dad and ask him ‘where did this card come from, where’d you get it?’ he says ‘I have no idea, I’ve never seen it before.’  His wife says the same. And my step sister and little brother are over here so I was like ‘hey guys, where’d this uh, little card come from?’ and my step sister says, ‘well, I don’t know, I’ve never seen it.’ And my little brother says. ‘It’s just the strangest thing, I don’t know. I don’t know where it came from. Do you know where it came from?’ and then he like keeps going in the same voice. He’s like ‘it’s just the strangest thing, this little black card, it appeared out of nowhere, who knows where it came from!’ and my dad and I look at each other and we have this look between us like ‘do you know who this boy is?’ I mean for a few brief moments he’s some other kid and he just keeps going with these bizarre gestures. It’s like he’s been possessed by the spirit of Urkel or something.  And for a few brief moments, he’s this other boy, you know, ‘I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know where it came from?’ But I mean it was just a little square card that wasn’t really important to me and I tell myself, this is not that much of a big deal.

So a couple days later my dad is at home with my little brother and his friend and he’s in one room and they’re playing in another room and, and uh, he hears this ruckus and the two of them run into the room where he’s at and my little brother’s friend is crying and he’s consisting that that my little brother hit him and my brother is going ‘I didn’t hit him, I don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s the strangest thing, it’s the weirdest thing, I didn’t hit him.’  And he’s going on and on and his friend with tears streaming down his face is going ‘no, he hit me!’ and my little brother is going ‘No I don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s the strangest thing. It’s the weirdest thing” and then my dad just says to him, ‘Kind of like you don’t know where the little card came from?’  And he just freezes. Like the technical legal word here is “busted”. You know that moment, like when you’re junk catches up to you? It’s not maybe that day, maybe not the next day, maybe not for a while, but given enough time it always finds us. Like there’s this great phrase, “wherever you go, there you are”. It’s written in the bible, in the book of Galatians, like don’t be misled. No one makes a fool out of God. Whatever we plan will end up harvesting. It’s like one way or another, given enough time, our sins find us out. It always catches up to us. Doesn’t it? So my little brother stands there in front of my dad, frozen. And then he turns and runs upstairs.

Because sometimes it’s easier to run upstairs isn’t it, than to face the truth. Now this whole time I hadn’t even been there. I’m coming home and I call my dad and he tells me this whole story and so I’m driving along thinking ‘what am I supposed to do when I get home?’ I mean I know I should do something but I had no idea of what to do. And so I get home and my dad tells me that he hasn’t heard a sound from him upstairs the whole time. So I go upstairs and I go check in his room and he’s not there. So I go check in my step sister’s room and my dad’s room and he’s not there.  And then I check the bathroom and he’s not there. This leaves only one option, my room. And so I go and I stand in the doorway of my bedroom and I look in and there, in the middle of my bed under the covers is a lump, the size and shape of my brother. And I mean at this point, he’s been under there for like 2 hours. It must be so hot, he must be so miserable, I mean, can he even breathe under there? I feel as if I should give him a snorkel. I mean, he must just be miserable. And I start thinking about all the amends he’s gonna need to make, to my dad and to his friend and to me, cause he knew he took the little card from my bag and he’s going to need to apologize. And I stand in the doorway of my room and I think about my brother and all of his shame.  The kind of shame that he would hide under the cover for that long. And so I go over and I sit down on the edge of the bed and I pull the covers back a little bit and the first thing I see is just this soaking wet hair, you know like he’s been under water.  And so I pull the cover slowly back until he’s just laying there all curled up with his eyes closed and he doesn’t move. It’s like he has this choice. Does he continue, does he grab the covers and pull them back over his head and keep hiding or does he just let himself lay there totally exposed and vulnerable? So I sit on the edge of the bed and I say to him, ‘there’s nothing you could ever do to make me love you less.’ And then slowly he sits up and he opens his eyes and he plants his soaking wet head right on the middle of my formerly dry shirt. And he wraps his little wet warm arms around me and he just starts sobbing. He cries and cries and cries and he’s so sorry. And so I sit on the edge of the bed, holding my little brother with the covers pulled back repeating, ‘nothing you could ever do to make me love you less, there is nothing you could ever do. Do you realize that, do you now that? Nothing you could ever do that could make me love you less.'

I mean whatever you’ve done, wherever you’ve been, whatever you will do, God loves you  and God always has and you can’t change that. Cause sometimes the little card may seem like everything doesn’t it? It’s like how am I ever gonna get away from it? And so we have no idea what to do with our shame, so we run upstairs and we hide under the covers and we keep hiding because we don’t know where to go or what to do. And maybe you’re like ‘yea, but you don’t understand what I’ve done ‘ or like ‘if only you knew …’ no, like it says in the book of Romans, chapter 8 in the bible, “there’s nothing that can separate us from the love of God in Jesus. ‘ nothing, nothing! Nothing can separate you. So may you stop hiding under the covers. May you let God pull the covers back. May you embrace Him. I mean, may your whole life become a response to the truth that you’ve always been loved, you are loved, and you always will be loved.  And may you know, may you know deep in the depths of your soul that there is nothing you could ever do to make Him love you less. Nothing you could ever do to make God love you les. Nothing you could ever do to make Him love you less. Nothing.....
